Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Our miracle man

'Thank-you' just doesn't do justice for how appreciative my family is to all of you who came out to celebrate Uncle John's life! You are the reason April 18th was such a success. Uncle John loved every minute of that night, from seeing old friends to visiting with family that he hadn't seen in ages. We had a great turn out, and hope everyone enjoyed the party! I dont know about you, but it was really surreal to see Uncle JOhn after two months. He looked amazing, and I cannot stop saying how happy I am that he was able to attend his own party...because let me tell you we did not plan on that possibility.

Uncle John has officially been dubbed our miracle man, and i could not think of a more fitting name. I was talking to Aunt Maureen over the weekend, and we both agreed that if you read about his story and miss the faith aspect than this journey simply becomes another story. I told Kerry that the party was not because of what happened to her Dad, because people experience trials like that every day. The celebration and amazing turnout took place because of the wonderful person that their dad is. His faith in God's plan is the most miraculous and most remarkable part of this whole story. For those who don't see that, I pray that they can open their heart and that their eyes will see that God's hand is at the heart of this story and He can be at the heart of yours if you let Him.

That being said, Uncle John's story is far from over. He has followed up with the heart surgeon, and the doctor is very pleased with how things are going. John will have to continue to closely monitor his blood pressure and follow up every six months to check on his heart. He is back to eating normal foods, and his last stitch from his tracheotomy hole was removed last week. This just means that there is no residual effects from any of his previous life sustaining tubes. Every week he gets stronger and stronger physically. He continues to get physical, occupational, and speech therapy three times a week. He is working very hard to regain his previous state of independence and normalcy. But mostly, he is savoring every moment with those he loves most. As lesson we should all live by!

Continue to pray for Uncle John to maintain his strength and courage and faith throughout this next phase. God bless, and thanks again for all those that helped celebrate the life of our miracle man.

1 comment:

  1. The gathering on April 18th was a joy to be apart of seeing family and friends celebrate Uncle John and the miracle of life. Pastor and author, John Piper describes a follower of Jesus Christ as having Hope and it is manifested in JOY, SACRIFICIAL LOVE, BOLDNESS and ENDURANCE. I can testify that these character traits are clearly visible for those that have eyes to see. My prayer is that the Spirit of God will draw family and friends to come to know God the Father and God the Son who is Jesus Christ of Nazareth who love them and wants to spend eternity with each of them. Blessings to you Bridget, Paul and Hunter and May God Hold you closely in the Palm of His Hand. Love, Uncle Bob (MN)
