Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Treasure the small stuff!

I am sorry for the delayed update, but the family was waiting for the results from an MRI that took place yesterday. There has been a lot of positive changes in the last two days. The doctors have decided to put a feeding tube in his stomach, as well as put in a tracheotomy to help him breathe. This will allow the nasogastric and the respirator tube to be removed. The positive to both of these new tubes is that it will be far more comfortable for John as he starts to wake up. For those that know Uncle John, he is all about comfort! The hope is that both of these tubes are temporary!  The doctors were worried that the stroke may have affected his breathing, but the MRI has shown that this is not the case. God is definitely looking out for our guy!

Uncle John was moved to another room in Washington Hospital's Center's ICU. This is actually a positive step because he has not been stable enough to move until now. As I said in the previous post, he opened his eyes for his family. He must of liked the attention he got when he did this because he has been opening them even more today. He is responding to commands, and he even reached his arm out to hug Aunt Maureen today. His girls asked him if he could still keep fighting, and he nodded his head. WOW! What an amazing day he has had, and we need to pray that Uncle John has many good days to come. 

Uncle John has taught us yet another lesson. We need to be grateful for the small things the Lord gives us. A simple response from John has made the world to those who love him most. He is living proof of the wonders that God can do for those who believe.....and Uncle John is definitely an avid believer. 

Pray that Uncle John can continue to have the courage, strength, and patience to keep on fighting. 

Keep praying....There is no doubt that He is listening!


  1. Maureen, Shawn, Kerry, Matt & Gavin - Keep the faith it seems to be making a difference. I love you guys and I know your guy would be so pleased with your tenacity, your strength; and our care for each other. Kelly

  2. God is soooo Great. I think once the trach is in...we will know John is really on the road to recovery...when he asks how the Maryland Terps are doing in the ACC. You know John wants to be ready for March

    Patrick Roddy

  3. I love you guys. I wish so badly I could still be there. OLIVE JUICE. (guess who)

  4. All the Sheridans and Murrays send their love and prayers to Maureen, Kerry and family. I hope each of you can take some time to rest (and maybe even some yoga or long walks) so that you can maintain your strength for John and each other. Will be happy to provide you with more Cosi or other goodies! Love, Peggy Sheridan
