Aunt Maureen called today, and Uncle John was stable throughout the night, so there is not much news to report.....no news is good news in this situation! This morning, Maureen said he was responsive to commands from the doctors, which is excellent news.
I'd like to take a moment to share with all of you about how miraculous that day really was. Maureen said John has been praying for a miracle for over a year, and in a strange way this has truly been the miracle he has been looking for.
As we get further and further ahead of that awful day, we all keep replaying that night in our heads. We can't help but constantly wander about all the ' What if's'.....What if the Hannan's had not had family over that night...What if John walked upstairs when he was feeling pain, and was a lone when he had his attack.....What if he was in the presence of people who did not know CPR....What if the Hannan's house was not very close to a hospital....What if the best surgeon for this procedure was not on call that night....What if Uncle John had not been the only patient in the operating room that night....What if John was not a healthy man before this attack, would he had survived the surgery?
It is very easy to say we are so lucky all of the small pieces fell in place like they did, but the truth is it is not luck at all....God truly has control in this situation, and if nothing else we have all learned through this experience to put our complete trust in Him and His plan. It has not been easy for the Hannan family, but their dad would truly be so proud of all of them for turning their fears over to God during this tough time. Uncle John, in his own humble way, has brought his family together and has brought many people closer to God. For that, I know we are all forever thankful. Keep praying...Uncle John obviously has the Lord on his side.
Bridget, thank you for cerating this update blog. Thank you Lord for putting John in the safest possible place for this trama to take place. Imagine if he had been out driving...but he wasn't and all who surround him...have been touched by John's amazing tender love and faithfulness to all that he is and all that he believes.
ReplyDeleteThis is a season of miracles...and John Hannan is both a blessing and a miracle.
Much Love to Maureen and the whole Hannan and Roddy Clans. We will see you soon to celebrate what Papa is doing to heal and make stronger his quiet giant...John Hannan.
Patrick Roddy